Friday, June 22, 2012

not so terse verse...

A Poem in a Post--Blogetry? Bloetry? perhaps a Bloem? 
Longfellow or Dickinson I'm not and at this even Dr. Seuss would probably blow snot...

The greatest compliment ever given to me
By someone OTHER than my family,
Was not "You look nice today!"
(Guess yesterday was just okay?)
"Cute purse! -- "Lovely shoes!"
Even those words won't transfuse
a cure to lighten the occasional blues.
It wasn't "Your hair's so cute like that!"
( It only took two hours to make it flat.)
"I like your outfit."?
(Why, it's only the oldest in my closet.)
The statement that's made me feel replete
comes from a child
And I revel in receipt.
Feeling bewildered, a bit besotted and THEN
" Hey, Miss! ,
I wanna be
in YOUR class
What more candid words
could a teacher hope to hear
from a student of a previous year.

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